[therion] Re: 'subtype' syntax change proposal

Ladislav Blažek lblazek at post.cz
Thu Apr 22 17:52:31 CEST 2004

>> I do thing that the list of
>> linetype/subtypes could be improved. I
>> wanted to
>> have a 'presumed' <something> where
>> 'presumed' wasn't a valid subtype for it.
>> This seemed a bit arbitrary - why can I
>> have a presumed wall but not a
>> presumed rock-edge (Something like that - I
>> forget exactly what it was). It
>> seems to me that nearly everything could be
>> 'presumed' or 'invisible', and
>> also perhaps that some subtype should be
>> main types. We could usefully
>> review the list to see if it still makes
>> sense.

Presumed = presumed. It means that I presume continuation but I
don't know what's the type of continuation. Simply I presume that
it is "wall". If you know that it is rock-border, why you need
presumed rock-border?


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