[Therion] Revise command: how to remove persons later on

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Sun Mar 5 13:57:31 CET 2017

On 2017-03-04 21:07 +0200, Benedikt Hallinger via Therion wrote:
> Hello,
> i currently have the following immutable centerline:
> --------- immutable.th --------
> survey immutable
>   centerline -id zug_1
>     date 2014.11.15
>     team "Some One" notes
>     team "Some Other"
>     team "PersonWhoDidNot Attend"
>   endcenterline
>   input extensions.th
> endsurvey
> --------------------------------

Why is this data immutable? It would be correct to fix the dataset in
this case and remove them.

I'm not sure that the progranm should be growing features to cater for
data revision without actually revising the data.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM
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