[Therion] wxWidgets 3.0.0

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Fri Jun 13 11:18:36 CEST 2014

+++ Olly Betts [2013-11-15 14:14 +0000]:
> I've been fighting to get loch to work with wxWidgets 3.0.0.  The first
> obstacle is that they now enable __WXDEBUG__ mode by default, so misuses
> of the API result in warning dialogs popping up.
> I've attached a patch which fixes that, and updates a couple of places
> where deprecated methods are used.
> This doesn't get you a fully working loch though - starting loch and
> loading a file seems to work OK, *if* loch was compiled with
> optimisation.  Starting loch with a file specified on the command
> line segfaults in the first call to gluScaleImage() in lxData.cxx,
> though it works when run under gdb or valgrind, so I guess there is
> a subtle timing issue (and that this might not happen on all machines).
> There are also more uses of deprecated methods, most notably using an
> implicit wxGLContext is now deprecated.  I tried to update that one, but
> things seemed to crash a lot - I suspect the underlying problem noted
> above needs addressing first.

This is now a release-critical issue in Debian, and therion is going
to get thrown out if we can't fix it.

therion 5.3.14-1 is marked for autoremoval from testing on 2014-06-27
It is affected by these RC bugs:
749687: therion: Please update to use wxwidgets3.0

Stacho - I think you understand loch - can you find some time to look
into this and see what we need to do to make it work properly (does
wx3 work on Windows?, do you have access to a Debian machine?)

(And looking at VTK6 would be good too, although I'm not actually
completely stuck there yet).

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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