[Therion] FW: Therion Length Calculation Question

Adam Sampson caver.adam at outlook.com
Wed Dec 3 22:02:56 CET 2014

I'm working on getting data converted from topoDroid to Therion and ran into a problem when combining more than one survey on the same output map. The map is showing that the total length of the cave is the length of the first survey. Anyone encountered this before and know how to solve?I can provide more info on request but here's the main code. I'm getting the distance for survey bbme1.th but nothing for the other.
.th file:survey BigBat -title "Big Bat Cave"  input 2014_10_26_bbme1/bbme1.th  input 2014_10_26_bbme1/bbme2.th    equate M1.10 at bbme1 M2.10 at bbme2  endsurvey
.thcnfg file:encoding  utf-8source bigbat.thlayout basics  units imperial  scale 1 50endlayoutlayout colors  #color map-fg [98 87 40]  #color map-bg [80 80 80]  #debug station-names  transparency on  opacity 60endlayoutexport map -projection plan -o BigBat.pdf \  -layout colors -layout basics

Adam Sampson(502)509-5066caver.adam at outlook.comwww.kentuckykarstconservancy.com 		 	   		   		 	   		  
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