[Therion] How to mark station with labels and make them appear in plan and extended projection

Bruce bruce at tomo.co.nz
Sat Jun 15 23:28:14 CEST 2013

>maybe it's a silly question, maybe not: It would be useful to have a
station point labelled with some text and get the label appear either in
plan than in extended projection.

Marco, there are no silly questions, except the one's not asked.

I'm not sure I understand your question though.  I presume you have tried,
in a layout;


 -debug station-names


This will label every station included in a scrap drawing (I think - your
comment below has made me doubt this-I'm just going from memory- maybe it
only labels those stations included as a 'survey' within a map definition?)


>I made many attempt to achieve this but I cannot see any label unless I
define a "label" point in 2 .th2 scraps (one for the plan, another for the
extended projection) and include them in the map. I know it is possible to
label a station in the centerline file but the label does not appear in

I presume that rather than labeling every station you want to tell therion
which station(s) to label.

If you insert a 'point station-name' in your scrap, xtherion creates a
statement line this in your scrap;


point 5708.0 1728.0 station-name -align r -scale xs


It will insert a label with text matching the nearest station's name.


>I was searching if there is any simpler way to get those labels visible
than defining 2 scraps.

If by two scraps you mean, one scrap for plan, one scrap for elevation, (one
scrap for each other projection) then of course this is the case.  If you
want a cartographed drawing for each projection, then of course you must
make separate drawings of walls, cave features labels etc, one for each
projection.  (Early in my therion days I tried using the same scrap drawing
for elevation and extended projections.  One must make a copy of the file or
use revise to change the projection for the second use.  The results are not
usually that good so, except for a very straight cave, I don't recommend
it-I may have mentioned it in the wiki somewhere - I forget).


Or perhaps I have misunderstood the intent of your question?




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