[Therion] Paperless Cave Survey with DistoX, PocketTopo and Therion

Martin Budaj m.budaj at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 09:56:32 CET 2010

> Working together with people using PocketTopo, it is quite inconvenint not to
> have true Therion *.th files with the full set of measurements, but just
> processed data. It would be great to be able to write a *.top conversion
> utility, but for that the file format needs to known.

The reason why you get survey shot data as an average of three
measurments in pocketTopo therion export is that therion currently
does not fully support multiple measurements of one shot. We agreed
with Beat that he will export only averaged shots until it would be
fixed in therion.


BTW, there is an open alternative at

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