
Roman Muñoz tatel at infonegocio.com
Fri Jan 21 13:12:08 CET 2005


Here is the translated file. I observed there is no spanish translation in UIS symbols site, so I worked with some freedom, i,e on flute's case, which seems to be referred to 3 different things (marmitas (pits worked on rivers by pebbles), cupola (dome on the ceil) and channels

For all those things about wiki, etc, please give me some time to get used with therion  :)



therion: point station:temporary
es: estación topo temporal

therion: point station:painted
es: estación topo pintada

therion: point station:natural
es: estación topo natural

therion: point station:fixed
es: estación topo fija

therion: line survey
es: poligonal

therion: point station-name
es: nombre estacion topo

therion: point entrance
es: boca

therion: line arrow
es: flecha

therion: line wall:bedrock
es: pared

therion: line wall:underlying
es: pared subyacente

therion: line wall:unsurveyed
es: pared no topografiada

therion: line wall:presumed
es: pared supuesta

therion: line wall:blocks
es: bloques

therion: line wall:debris
es: derrubios

therion: line wall:pebbles
es: cantos rodados

therion: line wall:sand
es: arena

therion: line wall:clay
es: arcilla

therion: line wall:ice
es: hielo

therion: point wall-altitude
es: altura pared

therion: point altitude
es: altura

therion: line section
es: sección

therion: point passage-height:unsigned
es: altura

therion: point passage-height:positive
es: altura sobre nivel del mar

therion: point passage-height:negative
es: profundidad bajo nivel del mar

therion: point passage-height:both
es: altura y profundidad respecto nivel del mar

therion: point air-draught
es: corriente aire

therion: point date
es: fecha

therion: point continuation
es: continuación

therion: point narrow-end
es: final estrecho

therion: point low-end
es: final bajo

therion: point flowstone-choke
es: colmatado por concreción

therion: point breakdown-choke
es: colmatado por derrumbe

therion: line floor-step
es: resalte

therion: line overhang
es: extraplomo

therion: line pit
es: pozo

therion: line ceiling-step
es: resalte (techo)

therion: line chimney
es: chimenea

therion: line gradient
es: gradiente galería

therion: point gradient
es: gradiente galería

therion: point height:unsigned
es: altura resalte

therion: point height:positive
es: altura chimenea

therion: point height:negative
es: profundidad pozo

therion: line contour
es: contorno

therion: line slope
es: pendiente

therion: line rock-border
es: límite roca

therion: line rock-edge
es: arista

therion: point bedrock
es: roca madre

therion: point blocks
es: bloques

therion: point debris
es: derrubios

therion: point sand
es: arena

therion: point clay
es: arcilla

therion: point water
es: agua

therion: point ice
es: hielo

therion: point pebbles
es: cantos rodados

therion: point raft
es: calcita flotante

therion: point guano
es: guano

therion: line border:visible
es: límite

therion: line border:temporary
es: límite temporal

therion: area water
es: agua

therion: area sump
es: sifón

therion: area debris
es: derrubios

therion: area sand
es: arena

therion: point waterflow:permanent
es: curso agua

therion: point waterflow:intermittent
es: curso agua intermitente

therion: point waterflow:paleo
es: paleocurso agua

therion: line waterflow:permanent
es: curso agua

therion: line waterflow:intermittent
es: curso agua intermitente

therion: line waterflow:conjectural
es: curso agua supuesto

therion: point spring
es: surgencia

therion: point sink
es: sumidero

therion: point flowstone
es: concreción

therion: line flowstone
es: concreción

therion: point moonmilk
es: mondmilch

therion: point stalactite
es: estalactita

therion: point stalagmite
es: estalagmita

therion: point pillar
es: pilar

therion: point curtain
es: cortina

therion: point soda-straw
es: fistulosa

therion: point popcorn
es: coliflor

therion: point cave-pearl
es: perla de caverna

therion: point disk
es: disco

therion: point helictite
es: excéntrica

therion: point aragonite
es: aragonito

therion: point crystal
es: cristal

therion: point wall-calcite
es: calcita

therion: point gypsum
es: yeso

therion: point gypsum-flower
es: flor yeso

therion: point rimstone-dam
es: gour-presa

therion: point rimstone-pool
es: gour-poza

therion: point anastomosis
es: anastomosis

therion: point karren
es: lapiaz

therion: point scallop
es: golpes gubia

therion: point flute
es: canaleta

therion: point raft-cone
es: conos

therion: point archeo-material
es: yacimiento arq

therion: point paleo-material
es: yacimiento pal

therion: point vegetable-debris
es: detritus

therion: point root
es: raíz

therion: point no-equipment
es: sin equipar

therion: point anchor
es: anclaje

therion: point rope
es: cuerda

therion: point rope-ladder
es: escala

therion: point fixed-ladder
es: escala fija

therion: point steps
es: escalones

therion: point traverse
es: pasamanos

therion: point bridge
es: puente roca

therion: point camp
es: campamento

therion: title legend
es: Leyenda

therion: title cave length
es: Desarrollo

therion: units m
es: m

therion: title cave depth
es: Desnivel

therion: title explo (plural)
es: Exploración

therion: title explo
es: Exploración

therion: title topo (plural)
es: Espeleometría

therion: title topo
es: Espeleometría

therion: title carto (plural)
es: Espeleografía

therion: title carto
es: Espeleografía

therion: title preview above
es: Vista previa superior

therion: title preview below
es: Vista previa inferior

therion: title surface bitmap
es: Mapa superficie

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