[therion] Re: translating...

Stacho Mudrak s.m at speleo.sk
Fri Jan 21 13:21:06 CET 2005

Olly Betts wrote:

> What are these problems with Survex and Slovak?  I don't recall anyone
> reporting them to me...

When I wanted to use cavern without survex installation - missing translation files. And in the old versions of survex, there were missing characters. But in the recent versions, characters are OK, but punctation is missing also for ISO8859-1 characters. But it is only only a cosmetic error, I can live with it. May be on Slovak version of windows, it is OK, but on my english one, it is not.

On linux I do not know - I am not able to compile aven with configuration of wx I am using. If you are interested, I can send you log file sometimes.

Regards, S.

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