new user ....

Stacho Mudrak s.m at
Mon Jun 14 13:53:52 CEST 2004


thanks a lot for your feedback and compliments. It's great to have another "computer" user :) Sorry for the late answers, we've been a little bit underground over the weekend. I would like to add something only to the last topic - 3D modelling:

> - I have no clue on how the 3D models are generated, but I'm impressed
> of what you get from a single plan.
> I understand how you can guess proportionnal heights from the plan. I
> also have played with passage-heigth point specs (with correct results
> for tube-like passages, but much less success for rooms...)
> Do you have any plans/ideas to use cross-section information when
> available? to use both plan and elevation information when you have both
> ? or may be to use just LRUD data if you have nothing else ?

We have been thinking a lot how to generate "good" 3D models, because LRUD approach (eve if very very extended - various profiles, sections outside stations etc... was not good). So we have tried to generate models from a plan, but there was no idea how to do it - we have seen no software that is doing it (for caves), and we had no idea, how to specify the input format. So we have decided to have no 3D input, to avoid wrong input specification.

The problem is, that specific data needed to generate 3D model depends on algorithm, we will use. Until now, we have implemented only one of them, that has some disadvantages - the rooms are one of big disadvantages of this algorithm. Now we are designing second version, that should be better - but until it will not work, I have no idea whether it will be...

Things you have described (to use cross sections, plan & elevation data when available, also usage of LRUD if specified) are currently only our dreams (if I'm thinking about results) or nightmares (if I'm thinking about concrete algorithms). Our TODO in 3D is following:

1. replace the algorithm, that is adding 3rd dimension to the map - this is completely wrong and lot of distortions have origin here and add 3D modelling for vertical passages from elevation or extended projection scraps.

2. add special map symbol (not drawn on the map) that will specify up/down dimensions of the scrap. When this will be done, it will be easy also to use elevation data to generate correct ceiling/floor heights, and also LRUD data when available.

3. change the way of triangulation - refine where necessary (rooms) and roughen where it is too fine (straight tunnel passages). When this step will be done, we can start thinking about applying cross-secion shapes to 3D model and modelling the rooms.

Last special point are existing LRUD data. We are thinking also about this (usually people have only these data when migrating to therion), and it is painful for them (as it is also for us) to not have 3D model for passages, where there are at least some 3D data. I'm just lazy to do it, because doing 3D reconstruction from maps is much more interesting. But I agree, it should be done, because it's not so complicated to create simple tubes where no other 3D data exists. I'll think about it.


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