[Therion] Symbols without map editor, polygon line filling?

Christian Rößler chr_rossi at kartan.de
Fri May 6 14:18:27 CEST 2016

Am Freitag, 6. Mai 2016, 08:11:21 schrieb Martin Sluka:

Dear Martin, dear Bruce,

> any „beginner’s“ question to Therion’s mailing list is OK, because we
> are looking to try to solve as much as possible problems and ideas
> which cavers have about documentation of caves.
> [Bruce:]
> I think it is better to ask such questions on the forum.  That way
> everyone else gets to ponder how well they really know therion, and to
> learn possibly unexpected ways of solving problems.  And maybe insight
> as to how to improve the documentation.

thank you both; then I will ask lots of stupid questions :-)

> You may not use symbols without definition of scraps - small parts of
> maps. But you may define a scrap (several stations long only) and use
> only point symbols for stations and let’s say symbol for entrance. Then
> the other one scrap and the next scrap…
> You should only define map then:
> map polygon_only.map -projection plan
>     scrap1
>     scrap2
>     scrap3
>> endmap

I think I understand now. I tried to work in this route, then, is this a 
correct work-flow? (Tried after 

- opened the therion project file (bergwerk.thconfig),
- went to "Map editor",
- 'new'-file symbol,
- went to "Background image" --> xvi-File of polygon (centreline) drawing
- the file commands ("Dateibefehle"), insert scrap ("Skizze einfügen")
- Pointsymbol - insert point--> type "entrance"
- Saved as "bergwerk.th2".

Then in the highest level th-file (bergwerk.th):

(survey bergwerk -title "Bergwerk 1"
... lots of input, equate ...)

input bergwerk.th2
map polygon_only.map -projection plan


Then, after a lot of fiddling I realized there needs to be a map hierarchy 
also, so I set after 'endsurvey':

map total-map
  polygon_only.map at bergwerk

... and modified the th-file as such:

source bergwerk.th

select total-map

layout bergwerk_export
    language de
    units metric	[etc. pp. ff.]

select polygon_only.map at bergwerk

export map -projection plan -o bergwerk.xvi
export map -projection plan -layout bergwerk_export -layout-color map-fg 
60 -output Bergwerk.pdf -fmt pdf

In the compiler compartment the little window on the right "Planstruktur" 
(map structure) shows:

[Folder symbol] Plan
	|-[Double sheet symbol] total-map
	|----[Single sheet symbol] polygon-only.map

... which seems correct to me, and it compiles without error.

But now I get an exported pdf like that:

| poly	|
| gon	|
| draw	|

| scrap	|
| entr.	|
| poly	|
| gon	|
| draw	|

(I hope you see what O meant to draw:). But I see the entrance symbol now!

So I fear I missed something to tell Therion to layer this correctly 
instead of first the scrap, then on paper below the polygopn draw. I think 
it has something to do with 'joining scraps', 
http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php/tips, but how do I join only one 
scrap to the polygon draw?

Or is it simply a nesting problem, and I nested wrong somewhere? Do I need 
to use the 'join' command in the th file, somthing like 'join scrap1 
0 at Bergwerk=1'? Do I simply need at least one lineor such in the scrap, and 
a single point is not enough? Tried to fiddle with that, but to no avail 
so far.

Thanks again, an best regards,

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