[Therion] vthreshold

Vasily Vl. Suhachev v_su at inbox.ru
Sun May 20 17:09:33 CEST 2012

15.05.2012 18:43, Xavier Pennec написал:
> I completely agree with you that NSEW is not not a good way to measure 
> the shape of about-vertical passages. In fact I personally never 
> measure dimensions in NSEW directions but in the direction of the shot 
> (or of the preceeding shot if it is absolutely vertical), in the 
> reverse direction, on its right and on its left. I use LRUD with Up 
> meaning in the (horizontal direction of the shot and Down the opposite.
We a use "forward" and "backward" measurements in addition to LRUD. It 
is common practice for our surveyors.

  WBR, Vasily

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