[Therion] map title

Bruce bruce at tomo.co.nz
Fri Mar 2 21:42:15 CET 2012

>>For a larger cave system that is 'growing' rapidly I am finding that
>>running multiple map INDEXes becomes unwieldy.
>> The authors have to remember to keep
>> them all up to date.

>Any way you may have partial maps defined and general maps defined  
>from those partial. So the change could be only on one place.

The changes are usually in one place for a single hierarchy (MAPINDEX), but
I have started using multiple hierarchies that require duplicate but not
quite identical submaps.  I am using a tree like structure similar to that
(single hierarchy) described on the Mulu pages
http://www.mulucaves.org/wordpress/surveying/the-mulu-survey-dataset (but
using therion of course).

My first hierarchy (MAPINDEX) is for map outputs - these have passages
offset where on is above the other.

Second hierarchy (MAPINDEX)is for atlas outputs - these use duplicate
submaps that do not have offsets (hence my request a while back for a new
feature -offsets off, which would avoid the need for this hierarchy)

Third hierarchy (MAPINDEX)is for another more detailed atlas output of a
particularly complex part of the cave.  It mostly uses the same submaps, and
always the same scraps, but some submaps are broken up more finely or in
different places.

Forth hierarchy (MAPINDEX) is for an atlas/map output based around
chronology of exploration, rather than geographical location. All of the
submaps tend to be different to the above, but as always the same scraps are

This is reasonably straight forward for a single cave (one level on the
hierarchy) but becomes unwieldy for multiple caves and on multiple levels of
the hierarchy. Adequately structured, but difficult to remember to update
each submap and MAPINDEX as the extent of surveyed and drawn cave grows.

As you can guess, keeping the map title under control is the least of my

I am chasing my therion mantra of 'one input once - many outputs' a bit too
hard perhaps (although multiple hierarchies is contrary to that I admit).
If I was a bit more clever I could probably condense the first three
hierarchies into one, but hierarchies based on other than physical location
will always be separate until therion develops a bit more I think.


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