[Therion] flag duplicate and explo statistics

Dirk Peinelt dirk.peinelt at t-online.de
Thu Jul 19 22:15:27 CEST 2012


I've two surveys files from the same cave part, that was reworked. 

I've now an old survey of a old team ('date', 'explo-date' and 'team' and
'explo-team' was applied) and a new 're'survey from a new team (only 'date'
and 'team' was applied).

All data of the old file was flagged as 'duplicate'. Because to become a
real cave-length from the new survey.

Now the map don't show a explo-statistic from the old 'duplicated' survey.  

Is this by design? Or is it possible to show this?


I would protect the work of the old team. 

But the new survey has new parts. I would not copy the explo-data from the
old to the new survey.  



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