[Therion] kml file name field request

Bruce bruce at tomo.co.nz
Wed Feb 29 09:14:48 CET 2012

I'm assuming there is a bug fix coming along for kml files to remove the
extra whitespace that is upsetting the coordinates in Google Earth these


The kml files start out like this.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">


<name>Therion KML export </name>

<description>Therion KML export.</description>




I'd like to request that the <name> and <description> fields be modified as

For export map, 

<name> = cavename (from code tex-map), or 'Cave Map' if cavename is

<description> = mapcomment, or perhaps 'Therion map compiled <date>' if
there is no mapcomment.


I'm not sure if layouts are used for kml map exports, so not sure if it is
possible, but this would allow them to match their pdf etc counterparts.
Using layouts and code tex-map would allow user defined modifications.


For export model, 

<name> = unique survey name or 'Cave Survey Centreline' if there is no
unique survey name.

<description> = 'Therion survey compiled <date>' or a better description if
someone can think of one.





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