[Therion] RESOLVED: Extra ... in map-comment result

Bruce bruce at tomo.co.nz
Thu Nov 10 23:34:13 CET 2011

Hi Stacho

>This is really strange, I have tried to reproduce your error, but
>without success. Could you please provide me some dataset, where it
>Thanks a lot, S.

I had an inkling of the cause before I posted, but I have only just verified
it now.  I have checked back with old datasets, and it is a new 'feature' I

The cause of each . is the presence of a <tab> character in the string that
I used to format the data file.  If I pad out the gap with space characters
instead of tab characters it is fine.

It is somewhat predictable that placing spurious characters within the
string wrapped around lines will be a bit unpredictable I suppose.

map-comment "Developed Elevation Projection\
<br>TBA featured prominently on the 2011 NSG trip" 

produces a perfect result.

map-comment "Developed Elevation Projection\
             <br>TBA featured prominently on the 2011 NSG trip" 

(padded with spaces) produces a perfect result.

map-comment "Developed Elevation Projection\
		<br>TBA featured prominently on the 2011 NSG trip" 

(padded with tabs) produces a dot for each tab after the line.

I can send you a small example file if you would like.


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