[Therion] FW: PocketTopo series: separate files

Bruce dangle at tomo.co.nz
Wed Jun 29 22:04:28 CEST 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: Torstein Finnesand
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2011 9:23 a.m.
To: Bruce
Subject: PocketTopo series: separate files

Hi! Thank for writing this:


You mention that "Each series needs to be stored in it's own separate 
file. ie You use Menu.File.New when you need to start a new series." 
Would it be possible for you to explain the reason to do so? I ask, 
since I have stored many series in one top-file. But maybe I have missed 

Torstein Finnesand

Hi Torstein
Do you mind if I copy this conversation to the forum?
That way other users can benefit, or correct me if I have made an incorrect

As I mentioned on that page I have been writing it to try to consolidate my
understanding of how it works, or at least find a good way of working with

With regard to your question, I think PocketTopo started out using what
seems to be rather restrictive TopoRobot conventions and limitations.  Now I
think with each version it is becoming more flexible (Beat, the author will
be the authority on this!)  In fact when I use PocketTopo I break many of
the 'rules' about station numbering and loops and have not had any serious
data loss or corruption.  To be honest I have trouble thinking in 'series'
as it is not a concept that is used in New Zealand surveying.

The key points to note are;
1. Ensure all files that contain surveys that are connected to each other
are in the same folder.  PocketTopo then displays the centrelines of all
these surveys in the background of the current survey and sketch.  Do not
keep any copies or other files in that folder.

2. Main reasons to start a new file are when a new days survey is started, a
new survey is starting in a different location, or if the plan or elevation
centrelines start overlapping (causing the sketching to become difficult). 
This way the centrelines of other surveys remain visible and only the
sketches of the currently open file can be seen (reduces confusion).

Hope this answers your question.
Any don't forget to get back to me about the forum posting.

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