[Therion] Surveying Maze Caves

Martin Sluka martinsluka at mac.com
Sat Dec 2 19:48:00 CET 2006

On 2.12.2006, at 16:19, Jonathan Prouty wrote:

> Hello all,
> I very much appreciate all of the advice that you have given on  
> this project. I have already changed my plans a great bit as a  
> result. I'm sure that the product will be much better and come  
> around sooner because of this.
> One quick question:
> What do you think about quickly generating a polygon map using  
> auriga, then going in and using that map to sketch on top of, then  
> creating a *real* map in Therion? Are there any insurmountable  
> obstacles introduced by this method that I'm not seeing (Other than  
> doubling the amount of time spent in each passage....)?

You may do it in the same way in therion (not in the cave on cheap  
comp) - check wiki. In the moment you have your surveying data in .th  
file and generate map using simple default thconfig you will receive  
the polygon map. If you add LRUD data and generate .xvi file you will  
receive polygon+rectangles in map editor as background image and you  
may simple add only passage contours and generate very fast the  
"first shot" map.

If there are any older surveys and sketches you may use them in  
therion and add only new surveyed data.


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