[therion] Re: translating...

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Fri Jan 21 17:26:09 CET 2005

On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 01:21:06PM +0100, Stacho Mudrak wrote:

>> Olly Betts wrote:
>>> >What are these problems with Survex and Slovak?  I don't recall anyone
>>> >reporting them to me...
>> When I wanted to use cavern without survex installation - missing
>> translation files.

Normally you just install survex, so it's not something that I've ever
seen the need to worry about.

In the past it was important not to bloat the code with compiled in
English messages and then load (say) Slovak ones in from disk.  Back in
the DOS 640K days, that could mean you couldn't process your cave

That's not really such an issue now - 10K of messages is irrelevant when
128M of RAM is low end.  But if the code works, why spend time and effort
replacing it?  It risks introducing bugs into a stable package.

So as I've said before, if you want to install cavern alone, you'll need
to fiddle a bit - either install the translation files somewhere they
can be found using the default search rules in message.c, or modify the
sources to look for them where you want, or even to compile the
translations in.

>> And in the old versions of survex, there were missing
>> characters. But in the recent versions, characters are OK, but
>> punctation is missing also for ISO8859-1 characters.

I take it you mean missing accents?

What codepage are you using?  1252 (Microsoft's tweaked version of
iso-8859-1) is handled, but 1250 (MS's version of iso-8859-2) isn't
(it's just a missing line of code so easy to fix).

So if you're using codepage 1250, this'll be fixed in the next release.
If not, let me know what you are using, and I'll see what's going wrong.

>> On linux I do not know - I am not able to compile aven with
>> configuration of wx I am using. If you are interested, I can send you
>> log file sometimes.

Aven won't build with a unicode build of wxWindows.  My feeling is that
the changes required are too invasive for Survex 1.0.X, especially since
nobody has shown real interest in producing a wide character translation

If Aven won't build with a non-unicode of wx, let me know where it


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